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How long do I charge my battery for?

d447 troubleNew batteries are shipped with a low charge and require a full charge prior to the first use.

A slow charger (3-5 hour) comes in two pieces; the charging base and a separate power cable. The initial charge for a slow charger is 8 hours. After 8 hours please remove the battery from the charging base. After the initial 8 hour charge, it is recommended to charge your battery for 3-5 hours.

A quick charger (1 hour) comes as one piece (the power cable is wired to the charging base). The initial charge for a quick charger is 3-5 hours. After 5 hours please remove the battery from the charging base. After the initial charge, it is recommended to charge your battery for 1 hour.

TIP: Always let a battery cool down, after use, for at least 30 minutes prior to charging. Also, you should let the battery cool down prior to inserting into your tool.